Roxbury Selectboard Meeting
Monday, August 21, 2023
7:00pm at the Community Hall
7:00 1. Call the meeting to order
7:00 - 7:02 2. Additions/deletions to the agenda
7:02 – 7:22 3. Public
A) Jane Pincus – ad hoc committee
7:22 – 7:24 4. Consider approving the minutes of August 7, 2023 and August 9, 2023
7:24 – 7:40 5. Road commissioner's report
A) Equipment
B) Roads
C) Review engineering proposals
D) FEMA update
7:40 – 7:45 6. Financial report
A) Review & approve orders
B) Line-of-credit quotes
7:45 – 8:50 7. Unfinished business
A) Shaw Road (20 min)
1. Designation of pent road section
2. Town right-of-way
3. Eric Sigsbey letter
B) Video meetings update (10 min)
C) Enacting ordinance language (15 min)
D) Unlicensed dogs (10 min)
1. Current ordinance
2. Letter to owners
E) Wastewater project – adoption (10 min)
8:50 – 9:25 8. New busness
A) Discussion of roxbury property clean-up (10 min)
B) Town grants – how to process (5 min)
C) CV Fibers request (5 min)
D) Municipal technical assistance program (mtap) (10 min)
E) Update of Fish & Wildlife visit (5 min)
9:25 – 9:30 9. Other business
9:30 – 9:45 10. Executive session – contract negotiation
9:45 11. Adjourn