Walloomsac Walk in Bennington This Saturday

Past event
Aug 19, 2023, 10 to 11 AM

This Saturday's Walloomsac River and Downtown Walk will highlight both an individual and an organization who are working on behalf of young people. The walk will include a presentation of the second Unsung Hero Award, which recognizes individuals who have quietly gone above and beyond on behalf of the community. Shawn Pratt will receive this month's award. His contributions include his work with youth in the schools and in after school programs, and his mentorship of students after graduation. He is the co-owner of the Bennington Martens ABA basketball team, is an active NAACP member, and serves on the Vermont Criminal Justice Council. Shawn has facilitated multiple forums to raise awareness of the experiences of young black men in the greater Bennington area, and has provided future leaders with speaking opportunities.

Ashley Jowett, representative of Bennington Cares, will highlight her organization's work to bring community members together to care for our children. This grassroots organization was created a year ago in response to frequent calls by Bennington Elementary School to the BPD. Bennington Cares works closely with the school district to find new workable solutions.

August's walk will take place on Saturday, August 19 at 10:00 a.m., starting at the People's Park on Depot Street between Main Street and River Street. The walk will follow the Walloomsac Pathway to Bennington Elementary School, where light refreshments will be available.

Walloomsac Walks take place on the third Saturday of each month at 10:00 a.m. In the case of inclement weather, cancellation notices will be placed on the Front Porch Forum and the Bennington Blotter.

Unsung Hero nominations may be submitted at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdIy0Bs8rbg0K0tPKFemrJsMUwuDYQO7lfW1WC1EyNGXtImRQ/viewform.

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