Planning Commission Meeting - Town Plan Draft Review

Past event
Aug 15, 2023, 7 to 9 PM

The Planning Commission's next meeting will be Tuesday, August 15, 7-9pm at Town Hall, Zoom, MMCTV. The public is welcome. The PC will review revisions to the new Town Plan DRAFT, plus regular business and a public comment period.

The PC will submit a new Town Plan to the Selectboard for review and adoption by December 2023. The new Town Plan (draft) directs Jericho to increase housing supply and housing variety, to respond to climate change, to enhance mobility and connectivity beyond driving cars, to protect natural resources, to expand the local business community, and to increase the Town's capacity to be more proactive. The Town Plan identifies new investments in public infrastructure such as wastewater, water, stormwater, and transportation - as essential to meeting these goals.

The PC has heard input for many months - from the public, from the regional planning commission, from town committees, and from our consultants - at our meetings, through several online surveys, and held a large community forum in May. We researched other towns in Vermont and beyond to learn from others. As a result, the PC articulated these goals and heard enthusiasm for town effort to achieve them. While we heard concerns about costs, potential overdevelopment, and too much change, the majority of input expressed desire for "the town" to do more to make things happen that people want in our community - MORE: local services, recreation opportunities, kids in the schools, resilience, protection for forests, farms and fields, housing options, social cohesion, healthy lifestyles.... and LESS: driving, sprawl, habitat fragmentation, isolation, waste, and inaction. The new Town Plan aims to shift Jericho from protecting the status quo toward investing our collective human and financial resources, to create the future of our aspirations. Jericho's Journey Forward.

All residents are invited to continue to comment on the new Town Plan by contacting Linda Blasch, Town Planner, 802-899-2287 x103,

You can read the draft here (Not final, still under revision): (Volume 1 contains highlights and strategies, Volume 2 is background data and details)
Find the 8/15/23 agenda and meeting details here:

Thank you,
Susan Bresee, Planning Commission

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Jericho Town Clerk's Office, Vermont 15, Jericho, VT

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