6:00 Call to Order; Additions or Changes to Agenda and Administrative Items
Approve Minutes of August 7, 2023
Sign Board Orders
Sign contract with T&T Leasing for extraction and crushing at Black Rock Coal Quarry
6:05 Public Comment: Up to 15 minutes; time will be divided so that everyone has equal time to speak
6:20 Commission Appointments
Hear nomination of Walt Amses to the Calais Conservation Commission
Possible Action: Appoint Walt Amses to complete a 4-year term on the Conservation Commission
which expires in 2024
Hear nomination of Vicky Arthur to the Calais Planning Commission
Possible Action: Appoint Vicky Arthur to a 4-year term on the Planning Commission which expires
in 2027
6: 30 Johnson Curb Cut Application
Possible Action: Approve, condition or deny permit
6:40 Curtis Pond Dam
Dubois and King has presented the Town with an amendment to our contract for services which adds three (3) tasks totaling $90,000. Our understanding had been that these services were covered in the original contract. Therefore, we have delayed the release of an RFP until the CPA can meet with Dubois and King in order to discuss this. Jamie will report on the results of that meeting.
Possible Actions: Vote to accept the amendment in part and put the remainder of the work out to bid, or vote to accept and sign the amendment in its entirety
7:00 Calais Roadside Mower
Our current mower is in need of repairs which are likely to be in excess of $4,000. We will discuss options for rental or replacement of our mower.
Possible Action: Authorize rental, repair, or purchase of a mower
7:20 Purchase of Radio Communications Equipment – Jake Aho
Jake will present information about purchasing radio communications equipment under an EMPG grant. Possible Action: Authorize purchase of the equipment
7:30 Brook Field Service Maintenance Contract
Review contract proposal with Brook Field Service for town generator maintenance
Possible Action: Sign contract
7:40 Report from Hiring Committee
Status of recruitment of a full-time Treasurer
Development of job description and salary range for a Town Administrator
8:15 Selectboard Reports
FEMA: Gabrielle Malina
Roads: Anne Toolan and Jamie Moorby
Curtis Pond Dam: Jamie Moorby and Gabrielle Malina
IT Needs: Jordan Keyes
Status of Shedd v. Calais: Anne Toolan and Jordan Keyes
Collective Bargaining Team: Jamie Moorby, Anne Toolan, Jordan Keyes
• The Selectboard's Collective Bargaining Team and the Road Crew's Union have reached an agreement. The Board will go into executive session under 3 VSA section 313 (1)(B) for the purpose of discussing a response to the agreement.
• Possible Action: Vote to sign the agreement
9:00 Adjournment
Possible Executive Session if any of the above items require the Selectboard to discuss privately under Vermont Open Meeting Law. None other than the Road Crew Union Agreement anticipated at this time.
Note: Agenda items may be taken up earlier than noted if items are completed more quickly than anticipated.
Feb 26, 2025, 7 to 8 PM
Special Plainfield Selectboard MeetingMar 1, 2025, 4 PM
Wednesday Afternoon at the Adamant Coop!Mar 5, 2025, 3 to 4:30 PM