Guilford Selectboard Meeting - Aug. 14

Past event
Aug 14, 2023, 6:30 PM

Monday, August 14, 2023, 6:30 p.m.

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Call to Order (ESTIMATED Time)

Rules of Procedure (2 minutes)

Welcoming of Public Community Comment Period (10 minutes)
Ruck-up charity event date request - Janice Spaulding

Changes to Agenda Order (2 minutes)

Approval of Minutes (2 minutes; ACTION: Motion)
Minutes of the regular meeting of 07.24.23

Updates and Reports
Town Administrator (5 minutes)
Highway Commissioner (5 minutes)
Planning Commission (8 minutes)

Old Business
Neighborhood Roots request for ARPA funds (5 minutes; ACTION: Motion)
Potash Rd discontinuance hearing: Sept 6, 5:30 p.m. (2 minutes; DISCUSSION)

New Business
Next Capital Improvement Plan, staff meeting scheduled (2 minutes; DISCUSSION)
Stoney Hill Road South, request to alter status (5 minutes; DISCUSSION; potential ACTION: Motion)
Public safety (12 minutes; DISCUSSION; ACTION: Motion)
VTrans Curve Project
Update Traffic Ordinance

Finance (5 minutes; ACTION: Motion)

Payroll - WE 07.30.23 $8,158.75
Payroll – WE 08.06.23 $8,652.38
Payroll – WE 08.013.23 TBD$
Expense Warrant #2403 $58,596.92
Expense Warrant #2403V $1,334.50
Expense Warrant #2403A $254.61

Other Business


Actions from Previous Meeting
Agreed to delete duplicate item from agenda
Approved Minutes of 7.10.23 meeting
Approved BBCC ARPA request
Set FY 24 tax rate
Approved date for GVFD Auxiliary boot drop
Approved Warrants
Approved amendment to Personnel Policy

Action Taken

Actions to be Taken


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236 School Road, Guilford, VT

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