High Summer Wild Plant Walk

Past event
Aug 19, 2014

High Summer Wild Plant Walk, Tuesday, August 19, 6pm to 7:30pm with Annie McCleary at Wisdom of the Herbs School. Celebrate the glorious wild plants of High Summer! Identify herbaceous plants, shrubs and trees, edibles and medicinals. We don't cancel for inclement weather since showers can come and go quickly; rather, if it's a rainy day with a chance of clearing, come to the Walk, and if it's a total down pour, the Walk is off. $10 to 0 sliding scale, preregistration requested, please give us your phone number. We are 4 miles north of Maple Corner on the County Road in Woodbury. Call for directions 802-456-8122 or go to http://www.wisdomoftheherbsschool.com/location.html 1005 County Road, Woodbury, Vermont.

Annie McCleary, director
Wisdom of the Herbs School
1005 County Road
East Calais, Vermont 05650
Find us on Facebook: http://tiny.cc/ew2mk

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