Good morning!
Guess what? This week is Vermont Open Farm week!
Farms all over Vermont are holding open houses, tours and other experiences.
I'm pleased to announce that I am holding a special tour dor Open Farm Week this Thursday from 3-5PM
Read more and register here:
First, I'll have free pints of fresh raw milk for you to try and take home with you!
There will also be free homemade maple ice cream, made with the cream from my cows! Yummy.
Then we'll walk out to the cows and meet the milking ladies, learn about caring for dairy cows and my pasture management strategy.
My cows are very friendly and will be excited to meet you.
Next, I'll be bringing the cows down to the barn for evening milk.
Once they're in the barn, you'll experience evening chores on a small working Vermont dairy. I'll help you try handmilking and you'll also get to see how my simple milking machines work.
And meet the baby calves!
I'm excited to have you. Please reply to this email with any questions.