Giant moving sale at 678 Smith Hill Rd. on Saturday and Sunday, August 5 and 6, 8:30 am to 4:00 pm. We are bugging out to the southwest so everything New Englandy (and for cold weather) has got to go.
Don't come looking for furniture but just about anything else that accumulates in a home over 45 years. Because the little price stickers I bought top out at $25, nothing costs more than that. Items include:
-- A sleigh full of Christmas decorations and wrapping stuff
-- Dinnerware -- one China, one Christmas. Eightish settings (at one time). Teacup collection and serving dishes
-- Cookware and kitchenware
-- Oodles of antique glassware
-- Sporting goods for tennis, fishing, softball, snorkeling and more
-- Camping/backpacking equipment including a tent, stoves and backpack
-- Yard stuff including hoses, pots
-- Shopvac and vac
-- Toys and games
-- some home tooly/equipmenty stuff (a brand new toilet seat, bookshelf speakers and a lot more)
-- Coolers
-- Picture frames (some with art in them)
-- Antique music cabinet, quilt and child rocker, braided rug
-- A ton of free stuff that will grow as the weekend progresses.
Please take a load off for us.