BRATTLEBORO - Experiencing moments of beauty in the everyday world is the idea behind the pop-up art show that artist Ricky McEachern is opening Friday, Aug. 4 at 18 Harmony Place during Gallery Walk.
"We experience beauty often at brief moments in our work days," explained the Saxtons River artist. "It's a timeless concept. We look up from our tasks and see a bird fly by or catch a sunset."
In a show he has titled Fabris Finestrae, or Windows for the Workers, he will hang 13 paintings of common objects such as silos, trains, animals at a fair, a guitar player, a swine auction and a day at the beach. He hopes to stimulate a new way of looking for beauty in our daily lives and foster the idea that art is an integral part of our days, wherever and whenever it shows up.
The show will be open weekends for the month of August and kicks off with an opening reception from 5 to 8 p.m.
Originally from the Boston area, McEachern explored art in Chicago before moving to Saxtons River last year. With a curious mind, he hosts a weekly podcast, Eager To Know, where he engages with creative people of all types. Eager To Know can be found on all podcasting platforms and is also broadcast Wednesdays at 9 p.m. and Thursdays at 4 p.m. on Falls Area Community Television (, serving the Bellows Falls and Keene Areas. More details can be found at McEachern's website
Examples of his work can also be seen there.
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