117th Rockingham Meeting House Pilgrimage Aug. 6

Past event
Aug 6, 2023, 10 AM to 3 PM

August 6th marks the 117th annual gathering at the Rockingham Meeting House to celebrate its 1906 restoration. Part of Rockingham Old Home Days, Pilgrimage activities include food, music, and historic reflection.

"Gravestones as Touchstones" is this year's Pilgrimage theme. Keynote speaker Dennis Montagna from the will explore cemeteries as settings for public history with an eye to the importance of the meeting house graveyard as a source of community awareness and mindfulness, underscoring the need for preservation of this important Rockingham archive.

Hearing the sounds they made in life, historian and folklorist David Deacon will provide a program of local history through music and story-telling to remind of the lives of those now resting in the graveyard.

Schedule --

* Meeting House opens at 10 a.m.
*Food tent opens 11 a.m.
*David Deacon "'Come All Ye'" - Vermont
History through Song and Ballad" at 11:30 a.m.
* Keynote address "Gravestones as Touchstones:
Cemeteries as Venues for Public History" at 1 p.m.

Go to RockBF.org/historic-preservation-commission for more information.

From every shires ende
Of Newe Engelond, to Rockingham they wende,
The hooly blisful martir for to seke,
That hem hath holpen whan that they were seeke.

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11 Meeting House Road, Rockingham, Vermont

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