DATE TO REMEMBER: Saturday, July 29th from 11AM -1PM, the Colchester Food Shelf will be having an Open House. Please stop by to see how we operate and/or have a tour. SPECIAL DONATION: An anonymous donor will match the total of donations made during the Open House up to a $1000.00
TWO MORE WEDNESDAYS: Buses will be picking up summer school students between 12PM-1PM and we ask you to line up in the direction of Claussens without blocking their driveways. We will guide you back to the school direction when bussing is complete.
Remember your reusable bags if available and your Proof of Residency if new to the Food Shelf or if requested.
Colchester Gardeners: We are looking forward to homegrown vegetables from our local gardeners. Two volunteers are at the Food Shelf at 11AM on Wednesdays, getting ready for the day. We are happy to accept any extra vegetables from your gardens.
DONATIONS: Thank you to all who donate so generously. Please only leave donations during open hours on Wednesdays/Saturdays. The high priority items are those that are on the shopping list used by our clients. You can find a list of these items by visiting our web site noted below. If you don't need a receipt there is a PLASTIC CONTAINER UNDER THE CANOPY where canned goods can be left. Financial donations should be mailed to the PO Box address below.
Hours of Operation: Wednesdays 12 noon to 6 pm First Saturday of each month 9 am -11 am
Physical Location: 245 Main Street between Claussens and Union Memorial School.
Food Shelf Phone Number: 802-879-2444
Mailing address: P. O. Box 625 Colchester VT 05446
Questions: Web Site: or
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