”Why Does My Dog Do That?!,” an Online Event

Past event
Sep 21, 2023, 12:30 PM

This webinar will support the Windham County Humane Society and the Stratton Community Foundation's Flood Relief Fund.

In this webinar, Townshend-based Janice Z of Janice Z Dog Training will discuss the weird and wonderful reasons dogs behave the way they do, cover a dog pro's most-asked questions, debunk a few myths, give ideas for immediate help, and recommend when to consult a professional.

When you register, you can also submit a question about your dog's behavior! Can't make it live? A recording will be sent to all registrants.

100% of the net will be shared between the Windham County Humane Society and the Stratton Community Foundation's Flood Relief Fund.

In order to keep the Zoom meeting secure, registration closes 30 minutes before the scheduled start.

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