Letting Trees Grow Old

Past event
Jul 20, 2023, 5 to 7 PM

Adding a New Approach to Forest Management: Letting Trees Grow Old

Don't miss this opportunity to learn a new way of thinking about our local forests, why and how letting our trees grow could be strategic to the future of our forests and ecosystem

When: July 20th, 5- 7pm, light refreshments will be served

Where: Mayer Room, Howe Library, 13 South Street, Hanover NH 03755

What: Hanover Conservation Commission will be hosting a panel discussion with a dynamic and diverse group of practitioners and scientists to discuss the rising awareness of how important growing our local forests is to the future health of the Upper Valley, particularly in the face of climate change. Discussion will cover the value of creating reserves, old growth, wild forests and how to create them in your community and on your lands. This is a great opportunity to tap into a lot of knowledge and experience. There will also be time for the public to ask questions at the end of the discussion. We hope you will join us.

Discussion Panel Members: William Moomaw, Professor Emeritus of Environmental Policy, Tufts University John Roe, Forest Ecologist, Carbon Markets expert Robert Linck, Conservation Director, New England Wilderness Trust Eric Jones, private landowner, 1500 acres of wild, protected lands in New Hampshire Daniel Stepanouskas, Consulting Forester in New Hampshire for 35 years

Contact: donovana1@aol.com

Web Link: https://www.hanovernh.org/CivicAlerts.aspx?AID=177

Register here for zoom link:https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUqcu2qqT8vH9LUbPADjiGVj6mNvFGHRm06

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