CVFiber Update: Construction and Calais Workshop

Past event
Jul 27, 2023, 5:30 to 7 PM

At CVFiber we are in full summer swing and will soon connect our first customers to lightspeed fiber!

We have been stringing fiber in parts of Calais, Worcester, Middlesex, and East Montpelier. The new map on the CVFiber website shows where our network has been built and will show which addresses are ready for site surveys to determine how residences or business can be connected. Sign up on the CVFiber website to be notified when service is available at your address.

To view the map go here:

We are holding a workshop in Calais to answer questions: When can I get service? Why should I subscribe? How can I connect? What does it cost? What will I get for my money? The workshop will be held at the Calais Town Hall on July 27th from 5:30 to 7:00 pm. Light refreshments will be provided.

As always, it is difficult to accurately predict when connections will go live in any specific neighborhood. The CVFiber service areas, and Vermont in general, provide challenging terrain, with long distances to cover through rural areas. Timing is also dependent on the weather, pole licenses, funding, and other factors.

At CVFiber, we are looking for volunteers savvy in tech support and marketing. We are a fun group dedicated to bringing high-speed Internet to underserved portions of central Vermont. Please contact us at!

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Calais Town Hall, Kent Hill Road, East Calais, VT

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