Johnson Cleanup Call

Past event
Jul 16, 2023, 11 AM

I know these posts are late notice, but it's a day by day thing with cleanup.

Everyone just got home a few hours ago. We are going again tomorrow. Here is our schedule if you would like to join.

Our goal tomorrow is to continue on River Road in Johnson mucking basements, and Ken Briar's trailer behind Jolley's in Johnson.

We also need about 10 to 15 people with clipboards to walk around for Lamoille Valley United Way to make sure everyone has filled FEMA paperwork, and taken their photos AND submitted photos.
*It's really important for people to sign up for FEMA - no guarantee of funding but there's only 30 days to sign up! You will work with me (Sharon McDonald) directly on this if interested, just let me know.

Tomorrow right after our 10am Congregation Meeting we will continue our clean-up efforts in Johnson at 11am Come dressed ready to work in your grubby clothes, and rain coat or ponchos if you're wanting to attend congregation too, you are welcome.

Meet Up Location;
The Church Of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
2548 VT-15, Johnson, VT.

We will get assignments at 11am, grab materials and go back into town together.

Materials Needed:
- Make yourself a lunch, and bring water, or a camel pack for yourself.
- Bring a lunch you could pass out to someone else if you have the means, maybe an extra water if you need.
- Rubber boots
- Gloves
- Shovels
- Buckets
- Rain jackets
- Extra totes of you have any to spare/use for cleanup effort
- Wheelbarrows

SPECIAL WORK & EQUIPMENT NEEDS: - Mark all equipment with your name, and contact information that you want back please.
1. Ken Briar's trailer we will need tarps or plastic sheeting, hammers, crowbars and Wheelbarrows, or totes ( the totes seem to work pretty well to move things today.)
2. Dehumidifiers
3. Portable Sump Pumps
3. Tarps

As Jessica Laporte mentioned earlier- Houses will also need electritians and plumbers to do safety checks in the coming days if folks can connect with the town of Johnson or volunteers, that would be helpful.

Something Special:
1. A cooler with baggies of ice cubes to hand off to people if you have access to ice cubes.
2. Bring water to hand out if you have it available

I'll check my email for questions.
Thank You
Sharon McDonald

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Event Info

2548 VT-15, Johnson, VT

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