The Greenhawks (the Hinesburg student musician folk-rock-ballad band) will be performing this coming Wednesday at 5 PM at the Concerts in the Park series (at Hinesburg Community School - the concert is behind the school at the pavilion and playing field). They have been learning some new songs, and it will be a great show! Bring a lawn chair or waterproof blanket, a friend or two, and some snacks or dinner. Hope to see you there! (The Greenhawks are opening for the John Daly Band, who will play from 6:30-8:30 PM).
Jan 28, 2025, 6:30 to 8 PM
Wildcard Wednesday: Valentine ArtJan 29, 2025, 2 to 3:30 PM
New Monday Morning Yoga SeriesFeb 3, 2025, 8:30 to 9:30 AM