Hedding UMC Food Shelf

Past event
Jul 14, 7 PM to 4 PM, Jul 15, 2023

The Food Shelf at Hedding United Methodist Church has been open all day due to the flooding emergency. At this point, we are almost out of food to give away. If you are able to donate items, please do! The need is great for food and for items to help people get back on their feet... first aid supplies, bottled water, cleaning supplies, sump pumps, fans, non-perishable food items, feminine hygiene products, diapers, wipes, formula... anything you can donate will help those in desperate need.

Drop off can be made through 7PM tonight or tomorrow from 7:30AM to 4PM.

40 Washington Street, Barre

Come to the back on the Church St. side.

Thank you!

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