Hinesburg Development Review Board Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, July 18, 2023, 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM
To participate in the meeting via Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84481565757?pwd=ZkV5WklEdHNkTy80TVNOT0pJMDZlQT09
Meeting ID: 844 8156 5757 Password: 123456
Dial in: +1 929 436 2866 (long distance number – charges may accrue depending on your calling plan.
Email: Mitch Cypes (mcypes@hinesburg.org) if you have difficulty connecting at meeting time.
Watch live: https://www.mediafactory.org/hinesburg or on Comcast Channel 17 or 1084.
1. Agenda changes
2. Review minutes of the June 20, 2023 meeting
3. Haystack Crossing LLC – 16-20-56.500: Minor subdivision revision to modify one condition of their final plat approval to allow for the recording of the approved survey mylar for a 176-unit subdivision located in the Village Northwest Zoning District.
4. Dan Baldwin – 11-01-05.003: Sketch plan application for a two-lot subdivision of a 258+-acre property located on the west side of Baldwin Road and the north side of Drinkwater Road in the Agricultural Zoning District.
5. Andy Miller/Bill Lippert/Enrique Peredo – 11-01-31.000: Development on a Private Right-of-Way application to create a shared access for two properties from a proposed 50-foot right-of-way at 2751 Baldwin Road in the Agricultural Zoning District. Continued from June 20th DRB Meeting.
6. Bill & Patti Drew – 09-01-01.500: Sketch plan application for a three-lot subdivision of a 3.86-acre property located at 108 Thorn Bush Road in the Village Zoning District.
7. PR&R Development LLC – 09-01-69.100: Preliminary plat application for an eight-lot subdivision of a 61.26-acre property located on Observatory Road in the Rural Residential 1 Zoning District.
8. Decision Deliberation:
• Town of Hinesburg/Roger Kohn & Miriam Adams Kohn – 08-01-80.000: Development on a Private Right-of-Way application to revise a prior approval to provide access to an existing Town cemetery located on the west side of Silver Street between the Heron Pond Road and Mead Farm Road intersections in the Agricultural Zoning District. Public hearing closed on 6/20/23.
9. News/Announcements/Correspondence.
••Digital materials for Development Review Board meetings are available online on the Town website at:
••Post Meeting Information: - Draft meeting minutes will be available from the Planning & Zoning department within five days of the meeting; they are also posted on the Planning & Zoning page of the town website. Video recordings of recent DRB meetings can be viewed at: https://www.mediafactory.org/hinesburg.
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