The Town of Jericho has been working with the Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission and their consultant, Stantec, on a scoping study to investigate the feasibility, impacts and costs associated with creating a multi-use path (for bikes and pedestrians) between the villages of Jericho Corners and Riverside/Underhill Flats.
Join us for a presentation about the alternatives being considered at the Selectboard meeting on Thursday, July 20th at 6:30 PM at the Jericho Town Hall or via Zoom (link to be posted on the Selectboard agenda). One alternative is a path along the southern side of VT Route 15. The path would be separated from the roadway by a grass strip, where possible, and would be a mix of 5-feet-wide sidewalk and 10-feet-wide path with an asphalt surface. The other alternative is a path that roughly follows an old railroad bed along the Browns River and onto Raceway Road. Please visit the town web site to view concepts of the alternative alignments: The purpose of this meeting is for the community and Selectboard to consider the pros and cons of each alternative and potentially choose a preferred alternative to advance to engineering and design. This is a follow up to the first public meeting about the project that was held on February 21st at the Jericho Planning Commission meeting.
For questions regarding this scoping study contact Linda Blasch, Town Planner at or 802-899-2287 x 103.
Mar 4, 2025
Essex Art League March MeetingMar 6, 2025
Join Us for the Women's Day March in Montpelier 3/8!Mar 8, 2025, 12 to 2 PM