Chamber Music Concert Series Begins This Week

Past event
Jul 26, 2023, 7:30 to 10 PM

The Craftsbury Chamber Players are excited to begin their 2023 season Wednesday, July 12 at 7:30 PM at the Elley-Long Music Center (St. Michael's College) in Colchester. The program features Haydn's famous String Quartet in D major, Op. 20 #4, Schubert's Sonata in a minor "Arpeggione" for viola and piano, and Dvorak's Quintet #2 in A Major, Op. 81 for strings and piano. This will be a wonderful "romantic" evening.

There will be a pre-concert chat at 6:45 PM and a reception after the concert.

Tickets are available at the door: adults $25.; students $10 and children under 10, Free. FREE TICKETS are Available at your Local Public Library.

Information at or call 1-800-639-3443

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