Friends of the UVM Hort Farm Annual Plant Sale
Saturday 10 a.m.- 1 p.m.
Empty spaces in your garden? Bring your list to our Annual Plant Sale to find a plant for your front or back garden, small or big garden, shade or sun garden. From coneflowers and lady's mantle to lilacs and more, our Annual Plant Sale has a wide variety of ornamental trees, shrubs, and perennials generously donated by over 40 Vermont nurseries, whose contributions have supported the Friends of the Horticulture Farm over the years.
Members-only Preview 9-10a.m. One of the benefits of membership is that members are able to view and purchase plants early. Become a member by signing up at our website,, or at the sale. Or if your membership has slipped, login to renew at (
The Annual Plant Sale will take place at the UVM Horticulture Farm, 65 Green Mountain Drive, So. Burlington.
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