Dr. Bob Tortolani, Veteran and Geriatric specilaist will be our quest speaker at our July 13th Memory Cafe to be held at the Ludlow Community Center, 37 Main Street in Ludlow. Care recipients will be entertained by games, music and socialization. Snacks are provided.
A Memory Cafe is an event that takes place the 2nd Thursday of each month from 11-1pm at the Ludlow Community Center. It is a wonderfully welcoming place for individuals with Alzheimer's Disease or any other form of dementia, or other brain disorders. They are designed to include the care partner as well, for a shared experience. Additionally, it is helpful for people with all forms of mild cognitive impairment. For more information please call: Joan 802 228 4665 or BRGNS at 802 228 3663 There is no charge for this event and all are welcomed.