Mini Town Meetings

Past event
Aug 13, 2014

I am hosting four mini town meetings to report back to Chittenden 6-2 on the legislatures work and the challenges to come. They are being held in the evenings from 6 PM to 8 PM with light refreshments on the following dates:
Wed. August 13 Miller Center on Gosse Court
Thur. August 14 Miller Center
Tues. August 19 Community Room, Police Dept.
Thur. August 21 Community Room, Police Dept.
I chose August because of the primary. It seems like a month that we all turn back to our daily lives, albeit reluctantly, and start looking at the road ahead.

Sen. Phil Baruth will be coming to the August 13th meeting and Sen. Ashe will be at the August 14th meeting. Councilor Tom Ayres has confirmed for all four so far and I am sure there will be more as we get closer to the dates.

Hope to see you there.

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