Free Meal Kits for Kids & Teens

Past event
Jul 20, 2023, 3 to 6 PM

Free groceries for anyone 18 years of age and younger!
Meal kits contains food equal to 7 days worth of breakfast and lunch

Stop by Leland and Gray Middle/High School or Jamaica Community Church between the hours of 3pm and 6pm every Thursday this summer to receive meal kits for your children. Parents may pick up without children present.

Please send an email prior ONLY IF you plan on picking up for children other than your own - it is a requirement of the program that organizers track this information.

These bags are FREE and available to ANY CHILD/TEEN 18&UNDER regardless of income or enrollment.

The more bags that we can distribute to the community, the better. Bags are full of fresh, local produce - when you come pick up a bag you are directly supporting local schools, producers and agriculture!

Email Jake at with questions, or to pick up for children other than your own.

West River Education District - This institution is an equal opportunity provider

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