Political Fireworks and an Art Show in Corinth!

Past event
Jul 8, 12 PM to 3 PM, Jul 9, 2023

Hi everyone!

I know it's out of order to mix all these topics in my "event" post but it'll be quick and painless, I hope.

First: count me in the group of supporters of political discussion on Front Porch Forum. I often disagree and get annoyed with folks' political posts, but that feels like the point and the pleasure of it, and there's a lack of other opportunities.

Second, on fireworks: as problematic as they are I really like them (less now, but as a kid I LOVED them). There are lots of ways we could make them better for everyone. I propose we take 1% of the Pentagon's budget, 2% the following year, then 3% etc. and spread it around the country's cities and towns to fund fireworks and drone shows. In a hundred years (getting all the other countries on board meanwhile) we'll have ended military spending and the shows will be SICK. And even in the first few years there'll be enough money to mitigate the pollution and noise and keep the fun.

Third, come see my art show! This weekend, July 8th and 9th, at the Towle Hill Studio in Corinth, directions here: http://www.towlehillstudio.com/. I'll be showing paintings, drawings and sculpture from the last ten years or so of studio practice. You can see the sort of thing I do on my website: www.glencoburnhutcheson.com. Some of them might look like fireworks if you think about it. Saturday it's 12:00-6:00, with a reception (snacks and drinks) starting around 4; Sunday it's 12:00-3:00. Hope to see you there! -Glen

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