Pippa, teacher since 2005, has returned to the deck this summer with a beautiful pavilion canopy to celebrate Gratitude on the mat. Reinvigorate your practice or start a new one, and as always bring a beginner's mind! This class emphasizes body alignment with breath-work in a meditative vinyasa (slow flow) mixed with yang asana holds followed by yin postures to find one's "edge". Class culminates w/ savasana + seated meditation.
Gratitude in the Acronym form for this class is designed to lay out a plan for cultivating a gratitude practice in our lives. Come join our group, all are welcome!
If you commit to all Sundays in the month class cost = $25, otherwise a drop-in rate is $30, post-Yoga tea included. We take Bartering as well so e-mail sacredintheround@gmail.com for more information!
To sign-up ->> https://schedulingpageSSYS.as.me/GratitudeYoga
See other offerings ->> https://schedulingpageSSYS.as.me/outdoordeckandcanopy