Hunter Education Course in Orange

Past event
Sep 2, 2014, 3:30 PM

There will be a Tradtional Hunter Education course in Orange September 2nd- September 6th. Students will learn the basic rules of firearm safety through hands on activities and discussions. The course will cover topics including basic firearm safety, ethics, map and compass, survival, turkey hunting safety, laws and regulations, how to get your license, shoot no shoot scenarious, live fire, and more. Students will also complete a hunter education manual/workbook OR the online Vermont Hunter Education course prior to and during the course. Students who attend all classes, demonstrate an understanding and maturity of firearm safety, and pass the written final exam will be awarded their Hunter Education Card or "Orange Card" that allows them to purchase a hunting license.

The class will be at the Orange Center School 9/2-9/6, the range day(9/6) location is still TBD. The schedule is;
9/2- 9/5: 3:30pm-5:30pm
9/6: 8:00am-12:00pm (Field/range day)

This course is primarily geared towards Washington and Orange students, but all are welcome to participate. If you are interested or would like more information please contact Mary Childs at Space is limited and students will need to begin the manual/workbook or online course prior to the class, so don't wait!

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