Learning to Make Medicinal Oils and Salves with Plants

Past event
Jul 8, 2023, 9 AM to 12 PM

Infusing medicinal plants in oil and then turning them into salves is one of the easiest and most satisfying ways to enter into the world of traditional plant medicine. Both oils and salves have many uses, including easing aches and pains, soothing minor cuts and scrapes and nourishing our body and skin. Come learn about our wild and easy to grow plant neighbors and how to use them to support our health.

Cost $40 or pay what you can includes salve to take home.
Work exchange is available.
Email me through FPF to sign up or for more information.

For those interested, there will be an optional second part to the workshop where we make a lotion to take home. $20 After lunch: 1:00-2:30

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