Historical Society Ice Cream and More

Past event
Jul 4, 2023, 11 AM to 1 PM

The West Windsor Historical Society (WWHS) is going to be hopping at the Grange Hall with loads of stuff going on in celebration of its 50th Anniversary. From 11:00 to 1:00, come by for:

- Walpole Creamery Ice Cream. A small scoop for $1, 1 scoop plus toppings for $2, and two scoops plus toppings for $3. Choice of vanilla or chocolate.

- We have our Brownsville Tee Shirts celebrating the Bean Suppers on sale. $15 each. There are other WWHS items available as well.

- We're taking advance purchases of the Fifty Folks of West Windsor photo book, which will be printed over the summer. Advance purchase helps us know how many copies to order. We're also hoping to sign up sponsors to help subsidize the book for others. All sponsors who sign up and donate over the holiday weekend will have their names listed on a sponsorship page in the book.

- We'll be showing some slideshows of past Independence Day parades upstairs in the museum area. Come in out of the sun (or out of the rain) and see who you recognize.

- Our July newsletter will be everywhere and is free for the taking. Lots of news and a few interesting articles on places and families you may recognize.

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1023 VT-44, West Windsor, VT

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