Pierce Hall 4th of July Race - Chicken BBQ - Raffle

Past event
Jul 4, 2023, 7:30 AM

Pierce Hall is having 3 events on the 4th of July!

The Rochester 4th of July 5K Trail Run/Walk for all ages, sponsored by Pierce Hall and the Outdoor Ridgeline Collective (ROC), will begin and end at Riverbrook Park (next to the fire station on Rte 100 north).

In-person registration will be held from 7:30 am to 8:15 am with the race beginning promptly at 8:30 am. Optional pre-registration, event and trail information are available at RunReg.com.

The course, which runs on the west side of Rte 100, will include some of ROC's newly created trails. Gift certificates to local restaurants will be given to the first-place men and women in each run and walk category. Plus second-place men and women in each category will receive a one-month gift certificate to the Pierce Hall Community Fitness Center. All kids (13 and under) will receive a free creemee coupon.

Pierce Hall will once again serve its famous 4th of July Chicken BBQ on the Park from 12 pm to 1 pm (rain site inside Pierce Hall). The menu will include a BBQ chicken half, potato salad, backed beans, coleslaw, and a homemade dinner roll and cookie. A 50-50 raffle to benefit Pierce Hall will also be held then with its drawing at 1 pm.

For further information contact piercehallcommunitycenter@gmail.com, 802-767-5021, on the PH or ROC Facebook pages, or websites at www.piercehall.org and www.runreg.com.

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