Porch Sale Axe Hatchet Crosscut Scythe Bike Trailer

Past event
Jun 30, 12:01 PM to 4 PM, Jul 2, 2023

Porch Sale, 157 Berlin St. Montpelier
Friday 6/30 - Noon to 6, Saturday 9 to 4, Sunday 9 to 4

Refurbished axes and hatchets. Some loose heads.
Repairable crosscut saws. Repairable Scythe snaths plus two weed blades and two brush blades (two marked Oakland Maine makers)
Blanks and wedges to carve your own handles.
Flatbed "Croozer Dog" bicycle trailer with optional pet enclosure, trunk-mount bike rack
Will buy or trade for axe and hatchets, rusty, broken handles, doesn't matter.

More details and pictures: https://vermont.craigslist.org/gms/d/montpelier-porch-sale-axe-hatchet/7637374164.html

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