The Essex Selectboard has a regular meeting the evening of Monday, June 26. This is a hybrid meeting that will be held in person at the Town Offices at 81 Main Street, Essex Junction and online using the Zoom meetings platform. Full agendas and packets are available at
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Meeting ID: 987 8569 1140
Passcode: 032060
- Consider adoption of Resolution in Appreciation of Susan McNamara-Hill
- * Interview volunteers to serve on the Community Advisory Board - Chris Harvey, Arthur Bergeron, and Dan Maguire
- * Interview volunteers to serve on the Economic Development Commission - Ta Tanisha Redditta, Paulina Thompson, and Tim Mack
- * Interview volunteers to serve on the Energy Committee - Natalee Braun and David Skopin
- *Interview a volunteer to serve on the Planning Commission- Trefor Williams
- *Interview a volunteer to serve on the Zoning Board of Adjustment - Trefor Williams
- Consider approval of revised Town Housing Commission Job Description and Charter
- Discussion and potential action on Town of Essex logo survey results
- Discussion and potential action on adoption of the Town of Essex Declaration of Inclusion
- Discussion and potential action about residency requirements for volunteer boards, commissions, and committees
- Discussion and potential action on plan to improve communication between volunteer boards, commissions, and committees
- Discussion and potential action about reviewing proposed charter updates
- *Consider appointments to boards and committees
- Consider approval of consent items: Approve minutes and check warrants; *Consider approval of Manager's appointment of Town Clerk and Treasurer; Consider Approval of Liquor License Renewal; Consider Approval of the State Revolving Fund Application for the Center Road Sewer Forcemain Replacement Project; Consider approving acknowledgment of new street name
*All or part of these items may be held in executive session.
For more information please contact Deputy Manager Marguerite Ladd at 878-1341 or
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