The meeting packet can be viewed here:{D4D60585-7767-45ED-B7F8-EE82B8E0[...]FF}
The agenda includes the following:
6:30 PM - Adjustments to the agenda
6:31 PM - Approve warrants to pay bills
6:35 PM - Committee requests for unbudgeted expenditures (time allotted if needed)
6:40 PM - Security permissions for Town Hall computer drives
6:50 PM - Liquor licenses:
• Matthew Jennings d/b/a Red Barn Kitchen, LLC—renewal of First Class Commercial Caterer License for serving beer and wine
• Jolene Kao, Tian Tian World, LLC (for Old Brick Store)—application for Second Class License for sale of beer and wine for off-premise consumption
7:00 PM - Public comment
7:05 PM - Library—Request for Bids for Installation of Automatic Doors
7:10 PM - Very Merry Theatre/Charlotte Library—request to use the Town Green on August 4th
7:15 PM - Plan for Halloween; closure of Greenbush Road between Ferry Road and Lake Road
7:30 PM - Beach security
7:40 PM - Hire Sy Koerner to oversee Recreation Programs during Nicole's leave of absence
7:45 PM - Solicitation of applicants for Interviewing Committee for Town Administrator/Manager; and identify Selectboard members to participate in interviews
8:00 PM - Request for Bids for the installation of solar collectors on the Town Garage to offset electricity usage of the Town Garage and other town buildings
8:30 PM - Minutes: June 6, June 12
8:40 PM - Selectboard updates:
• Radar speed feedback signs
• Employee Compensation Working Group—process and schedule for making appointments
9:00 PM - Adjournment
Feb 21, 2025, 5:30 to 9:30 PM
Republican Party MeetingFeb 22, 2025, 9 to 11 AM
Shelburne Death CafeFeb 22, 2025, 2 to 4 PM