Large Garage Sale Rain or Shine - Larose Ln - June 24

Past event
Jun 24, 2023, 9 AM to 3 PM

We are having a garage sale as part of the townwide yard sale and we're on the map. 5 1/2 miles north on 116 from the traffic light in the center of town. Follow the signs up the long driveway. Lots of good quality clothes cheap, men's Carhartt pants in bigger sizes and xxl shirts, women's clothes, 14' aluminum row boat, Reese 5th wheel hitch, set of good tires and rims from a 2013 Camry, free boxes of assorted tiles and lots of free stuff. It's all got to go……lots of dishes and what's left of a 25 year tea pot collection and the list goes on. Come see us rain or shine. A decent refrigerator for sale and a free gas cooking stove and much more. Just Saturday 9-3 and then it's all going somewhere……and we even have a Sears car roof storage box.

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