Summer Lecture Series at Saint Michaels on Stained Glass: A Foretaste of Heaven
Saint Michael Catholic Church has a marvelous collection of stained glass windows. They were created for the church in 1889 by the Art Stained Glass Institute of F. Nicolas and Sons in Roermond, Holland. While eye has not seen nor ear heard the glories that await in heaven, Saint Michael's gives a vivid preview! "It's like entering a jewel box," as a child said. The images of Saints are delicately rendered with amazing patterns and fanciful architectural details incorporated into the iconography. The spiritual beauty of the saints pictured is captured in the light of their holy lives and their heroic examples of love and faith.
A program on the saints pictured in the stained-glass windows will be presented in the church by a number of visiting priests, artisans and teachers starting on Wednesday, June 28 and follow every Wednesday, until September 27th which will be a talk given on our patron saint window, Saint Michael the Archangel. The program begins at 5PM with Evening Prayer followed by the presentation. The first program will be given by Father Greg Markey, Chaplain at Thomas Aquinas College, and will focus on the window featuring Saint Joseph.
Each program will explain the life and glory of the saint illustrated by the light and color of the stained glass. The example and life of the saint will serve as a teaching tool to bring us closer to Jesus and His Way.
The other facilitators will be as follows:
Dr. Jennifer Healy, Ph.D in Visual and Language Arts – St. Patrick
Father Carlos Viego, Chaplain at Thomas Aquinas College – Mary, Holy Mother of God
Father Kevin Chalifoux, Pastor of Our Lady of Fatima in Wilmington, Vermont – Saint Catherine of Alexandria
Father Michael Pierz, Pastor of Blessed Sacrament Church in Greenfield, Massachusetts – Saint John the Baptist
Deacon Christopher Dougherty – Saint Brigid
Father Henry Furman, Pastor at Saint Michael Catholic Church in Brattleboro – Saint Michael
Mr. Peter Orlowski, High School Teacher at Saint Michael School -- Saint Peter
Father Noiseux, retired priest
Father DiMascola, retired priest
Father Greg Caldwell, Parochial Vicar at Saint Michael Parish
Father Hugh Cleary, Pastor at Saint John the Baptist in Bennington -- Saint John
Saint Michael Catholic Church
47 Walnut Street
Brattleboro, Vermont
Mar 6, 2025, 3 to 4 PM
Community Seed SwapMar 8, 2025, 10 AM to 2 PM
Fiber Arts Group: March 9Mar 9, 2025, 4 to 5 PM