The Power of Presence: A weekly practice group starting early July
Sunday July 2nd 7.00 – 8.30 pm, Introductory session and a time for questions
Alternative option: Wednesday July 5th 1.00 – 2.00 pm
and thereafter weekly for both options
I invite you to join me in a weekly 'Practice of Presence' and explore practices together that can support us to stay sane and connected in a turbulent world.
We all have the capacity to be present, yet most of the time we are on automatic. Our nervous systems are built for connection yet too often they are frazzled, which impacts our relationships and our capacity to thrive. We forget how to pause, to be curious and create a friendly space for all the painful and wise parts of ourselves that have not been heard.
Yet more than brief moments of presence, powerful as they are, when we choose to cultivate awareness as an ongoing practice, this transforms our everyday lives and relationships. This is the power of presence. It is love and kindness in action.
Even though I have spent decades of my life exploring, through study and application, many traditions of both the east and the west, scientific and spiritual, for personal and societal transformation, I need this practice as much as anyone, and welcome practice companions!
Each week, I plan to introduce a theme and speak about that topic for a few minutes. Then I will draw from a wealth of simple awareness and deep listening practices, which we can experience together. Our practices are doorways into Presence. Through them we can connect to all aspects of our being: our body, psyche and soul, and to the relational context in which we live. Our relationship to pain and to purpose take on new meaning.
Most of all we need to come with care and curiosity, with a desire to see ourselves and each other for the unique beings that we are, interconnected, each with a part to play, because that is what the new story needs, and what Presence invites us into. It is the path of the Heart.
"You are more than a human being, much more. For within your heart is a place, a sacred place where the world can literally be remade through conscious co-creation" Drunvalo Melchizedek: 'Living in the Heart'
Start date: Sunday July 2nd 7.00 – 8.30 pm, Introductory session and a time for questions Alternative option: Wednesday July 5th 1.00 – 2.00 pm and thereafter weekly for both options
You can attend just one or both. If you are interested but can't make those times, please let me know. It is your choice as to frequency, yet the more we commit ourselves to the practice, if it resonates, the greater the benefits, and a strong community and field of practice is woven.
Calls will be held on zoom, and potentially a couple of times in the summer/fall months there will an opportunity to gather together in person for a longer day of practice, in nature, for those geographically close (southern Vermont)
Donations are gracefully received and recycled, but not required for participation
Please email me at if you are interested in participating, or to attend at least one session to discern if this is right for you, and I will send you the zoom link.
Mar 8, 2025, 10 AM to 2 PM
Marlboro Senior Lunch and Guest SpeakerMar 11, 2025, 12 to 1:30 PM
Guilford Free Library StorytimeMar 11, 2025, 2 to 2:30 PM