Update on Route 2 Construction - Marshfield-Danville

Past event
Jun 19, 6 AM to 6 PM, Jun 23, 2023

Construction Update
Marshfield-Danville NH PS19(1)
[U.S. Route 2 Resurfacing Project]

TRAFFIC IMPACT AND DURATION: Monday June 19, through Friday, June 23, between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., motorists can expect lane closures with alternating one-way traffic on U.S. Route 2 (U.S. 2) between Plainfield and Marshfield. Flaggers and Uniform Traffic Officers will be present to assist motorists through the work zone. Motorists are advised to follow the posted speed limit and travel with caution as areas of the roadway are scarified and have a gravel surface with no markings indicating the centerline and edge line.

CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES: Crews will begin placing gravel to correct the roadway geometry, beginning at the Plainfield/Marshfield town line near Maplefields. Crews will continue reclaiming the roadway between Plainfield and Marshfield.

LOCATION: Beginning near the Plainfield/Marshfield town line, on U.S. 2, near the intersection of U.S. 2 and Hillside Drive, and extending easterly along U.S. Route 2 to a point just west of the VT Route 15 and U.S. 2 intersection in West Danville.


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