Civil Rights for All

Past event
Jul 4, 2023, 9 AM to 12 PM

The Civil Rights For All banner in the 4th of July parade 2023

Join us to stand up for democracy and civil rights, proudly carry and march with the banner and sing "we are marching for democracy and civil rights for all.

We'll meet at the brook side of the Preston lot on Flat Street, opposite the transportation center, 9 am to 10 am. Look for the bamboo pole with the surveyors tape tied to it. That's us.

The parade committee recommends parking at the Coop.

The march begins at 10: up Main Street to the Brattleboro Common.

It takes about 8 people to carry the banner. The rest of us will walk behind with our signs and we will all sing "We are marching for democracy, democracy, democracy- We are marching for democracy and civil rights for all." repeated for the whole march to the common.

When we get to the Preston parking lot we will put the banner on a carrying pole and we will practice singing our marching song. The banner & pole together weigh about 20 lbs. It only takes 8 of us to carry the banner, but it takes all of us to make a democracy. Join us!

We have ten 2 sided signs- non violence is the power of the people- democracy shares the wealth- democracy stands up to bullies ⁃democracy needs you- democracy is love⁃ love is the way forward- defend democracy- join the love brigade- democracy democracy democracy- join the parade- democracy is people power- unite unite unite unite- march  for democracy- sing for democracy- talk about democracy- stand up for your rights right now- work for democracy- i dream of democracy- everyone help-help everyone- think about democracy, but there are many more that could be carried in the parade. Please make your own and bring it with you to carry in the parade.

PARADE RULES The parade committee wants all participants to read and follow these parade rules:

- All entries must be capable of safely navigating the route (Flat Street to Main Street to the Common) and no more than 12 feet in height so not to snap overhead wires. All drivers must have valid licenses and vehicles have proof of liability insurance. All bicyclists/skateboarders/unicyclists/other riders of self-propelled devices must wear helmets.

- Participants shouldn't stop to perform but instead maintain a steady forward pace so spectators don't face large gaps. (Brattleboro Community Television asks that everyone slow down and "give us their best smiles" when marching past the live cameras on Main Street.)

- NO STOPPING OR PARKING AT THE COMMON OR ADJACENT STREETS. Either exit onto Chapin Street or Route 30 or, if you must stop and park, continue to the American Legion lots on Linden Street.

- Participants must walk street-side to distribute candy, flags, balloons or other family-friendly items. Our liability insurance policy prohibits throwing anything from moving vehicles, as someone may be hit or encouraged to get too close to turning wheels.

- Absolutely no unofficial sirens, flashing lights, smoke, flames, special effects or conduct that could cause a spectator and/or safety official to believe there's an emergency.

- All participants are urged to protect themselves by bringing sunscreen, shade hats and water. In the hopefully unlikely event that police/fire/rescue units must respond to an emergency, all marchers/vehicles should MOVE RIGHT to clear the left lane for authorities.

Organized by Positive nonviolent, nonprofit, public action for democracy and civil rights for all people.
Contact: 802 258 7045 1196 Lower Dover Rd, Brattleboro VT 05301

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