Town of Richmond
Planning Commission Meeting
Wednesday June 21, 2023
7:00 PM
PLEASE NOTE: In accordance with Act 1 (H.42) 2023, this meeting will be held online and conference call via Zoom only. You do not need a computer to attend this meeting. You may use the "Join by Phone" number to call from a cell phone or landline. When prompted, enter the meeting information provided below to join by phone. For additional information and accommodations to improve accessibility of this meeting, please contact Keith Oborne at 802 336-2289 or at
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Meeting ID: 884 1987 4605
Passcode: 290570
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Meeting ID: 884 1987 4605
Passcode: 290570
1. Welcome
2. Review and adjustments to the agenda
3. Public comment on non-agenda items
4. Review of minutes of 5/17/23 meeting
5. PC Policies and Activities
a. Review actions of SB at their 6/5/23 meeting regarding the RC Districts
b. Review hybrid meeting policy and deployment
c. Review code of ethics and open meeting rules – Signatures required
d. Accept resignation of Lisa Miller from Planning Commission
e. Confirm Adam Wood as Vice Chair
6. Update on S.100 and discuss public outreach plan for VRNN and VRNS Districts
7. Continue discussion on C and I/C zoning districts
a. Examine maps
b. Discussion on site visit of 5/26/23
c. Review definitions of "commercial" and "industrial"
d. discuss options to achieve goals
8. Other business
a. consider parcel JR0047 (just past Umiak)
9. Adjourn
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