Meeting to Plan Old Home Day Celebrations in Plainfield

Past event
Aug 7, 2014, 7 to 8 PM

Old Home Day is an important occasion in our community and, although we won't be able to match last year's centennial celebration of the fire department, we still plan to have a lot of fun!

To get things started, the Plainfield Select Board would like to invite you to a meeting to begin preparations for this year's celebration, which will be held September 6, 2014. The meeting is Thursday, August 7th at 7 pm at the Municipal Building (next to the Fire Station, in the room at the back - use the side entrance). NOTE: This is a change in the location from my previous post.

We'll be talking about the 5K race, the parade, the chicken BBQ, activities at the Rec Field, the Duck Race, a Grand Re-Opening celebration at the Town Hall Opera House, another street dance on Main Street, as well as new ideas.

Please let me know if you want to help but can't make it Thursday night.


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