5:00 PM Call to order, welcoming guests.
5:05 Approving the minutes of the June 6, 2023, Regular Select Board Meeting. Action likely.
Reviewing, amending, and approving the agenda for the June 20, 2023, Select Board meeting. Action likely.
5:08 Final revisions on Town Personnel policy. Action likely.
5:20 Highway Department update of road issues. Action possible
5:30 Monthly meeting with the Middlesex Volunteer Fire Department. Action likely.
5:45 Reviewing and approving survey to be sent to Village residents regarding potential municipal water needs. Russ Bennett from the Galaxy of Yes to attend. Action likely
6:15 Treasurer's Report – update on Town's financial issues. Action possible
- Welch Park update. Action possible
- Orders
- Correspondence
- Any other matter that may come before the Board
6:35 Adjournment
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Meeting ID: 739 338 0675
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