Meeting ID: 628 039 2654
Passcode: 123123
Join by phone; to mute and unmute using landline, press *6:
+1 929 205 6099
Selectboard Rules of Procedure are available at: (link is case-sensitive)
(time allotted is only an estimate; please arrive early)
Changes to Agenda - 1 minute
Announcements - 5 minutes
Public Comment - 10 minutes
Road Foreman's Report (Michael Bingham) - 10 minutes
Sign documents for the Highway Dept. Mack truck loan - 5 minutes
Christian Meyer, Executive Director CV Regional Planning Commission - 10 minutes
Melissa Bounty, Central Vermont Economic Development Corporation, to discuss upcoming event with Gov. Scott and his cabinet - 15 minutes
Approve updated yearly Weebly cost (Bob Fancher) - 5 minutes
Plainfield Recreation and Public Arts Committee ARPA request update (Jaime Spector) - 10 minutes
Approve Hazard Mitigation expenditure for hazard maps (Michael Billingsley) - 5 minutes
Approve and sign Central Vermont Humane Society contract - 5 minutes
Approve and sign Washington County Sheriff's Department contract for FY 2023/2024 - 5 minutes
Approve signature for engineering study for East Hill Rd. culvert - 5 minutes
Approve warrants; draft minutes - 5 minutes
Adjourn - 1 minute
Please note the Town of Plainfield web address has changed. Select Board information can now be found at: