Child Trafficking Awareness/Sound of Freedom Sign Wave

Past event
Jul 3, 2023, 4 to 7 PM

Please join me on July 3rd from 4 pm till 7 pm, at Five Corners in Essex Junction, for a sign wave to raise awareness about child trafficking, child sexual abuse, and child abuse. This sign wave is also to promote the movie SOUND OF FREEDOM, the true story of Tim Ballard, the owner and CEO of Operation Underground Railroad, the biggest anti trafficking network on the planet, and his heroic journey of how he and so many brave men and women who save children everyday! SOUND OF FREEDOM will be played at Essex Cinema from July 3rd to July 6th! Did you know 22 MILLION KIDS AND BABIES are sold in child trafficking EVERY YEAR. 22 MILLION! 22,000 children go missing and are stolen around the world EVERY DAY! This is the biggest pandemic in human history! Child trafficking revenues billions of dollars for the evil people, and has surpassed the arms trade and soon the drug trade! We need to stand up to this as the human race, and save all our children around the world! All the money accumulated from the movie goes straight to saving the children! Not a penny goes to the actors or producers. This movie is for the kids! Please join me July 3rd for the sign wave, and please go see the movie! We all know someone who has been affected by child abuse and this must stop! You are the light against this darkness. Stand up for the kids! You are their voice!

*****If you can not afford a ticket, Angel Productions has set up a donation page, for anyone who wants to see it, to receive a free ticket. Link below. *******

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Essex Junction Five Corners, Vermont Route 117, Essex Junction, VT

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