"Art at the Center" Nature/Art Day Camp at MEC

Past event
Jun 29, 2023, 9 AM to 3 PM

Rising 6th-12th grade students can join us each week to work with a Vermont artist or Naturalist to explore and celebrate nature at Mercy Ecospiritualy Center in Benson, VT. Here on our 35 plus acres there is a garden, trails, a pond, sheep, hens, and one barn cat. This will be a relaxing space for students to connect with friends and try their hand at fiber arts, drawing, painting, ceramics, and much more.

Students will provide their own lunch but this will be supplemented with fresh fruits and veggies each week. Drop-off and pick-up may be flexible if it is a concern.

There are 20 openings so sign up soon!


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Mercy Ecospirituality Center, Howard Hill Road, Benson, VT

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