Hello Friends and Neighbors,
I hope everyone has been enjoying the beautiful summer. We had a ball last week on Long Island and were glad to get home on Sunday. I was sorry to miss the market last week, and I hope that everyone who went found food and items he or she enjoyed.
The weather looks good for this Wednesday, so I'm hoping we'll have clear skies for the Freshies Farmers' Market this Wednesday from 4:30 to 7:30 at the Moretown School.
Jenna will be making tasty spring rolls. They will be wrapped in rice wrappers, like you would get them at a Thai restaurant and contain her fresh carrots, cucumbers, Thai basil, onions, mint and rice noodles. Mmmmm.... sounds like summer's garden goodness wrapped in a nice, gluten free wrapper with likely some delicious sauce to boot. In addition to having an amazing green thumb, Jenna is a great cook with loads of restaurant experience, so stop by and enjoy her culinary creation. In addition to the spring rolls, Jenna will have eggplant, cucumbers, blueberries, potatoes and beautiful flowers for sale.
Karen will be with us with her homemade Mountain Woman and Mountain Man bars, delicious maple syrup, eggs and herbs. Her bars make an excellent, hearty snack for a long car trip, hike or day in the garden.
The farmers from Peacock Pastures in Duxbury, Wendy and David Tidhar, will have their wonderful frozen meats on hand. This week, they will have frozen pasture-raised chicken and 100% grass fed beef. The chicken will be sold as whole broilers, while the beef will be sold by the cut. They will have ground beef, stew meat, steaks and one brisket available. You can also talk to them about lamb and turkey that will be available later on this year.
Lalu Farm will be with us too, with their great goat cheese, honey and goat milk Dulce de Leche. I just heard recently through the grapevine that Lalu Farm has a CSA, as well. If you are interested in learning more about it, talk to Kevin or Constancia at the market on Wednesday.
For my part, I'll have Saida's Kimchi, Curried Kraut, Kombucha Starter Kits, and kombucha by the cup. I'm hoping that my new batch of Celtic Kraut will be ready. It is looking great, and I'll pack some up for the market this Wednesday if it is.
And, HOORAY! We've arrived at my favorite garden time of year! The pickling cucumbers are starting to come in and soon, oh so soon, I'll be able to make lacto-fermented pickles! The garlic is ready. The dill is here. The cucumbers are coming... All we need is some good timing, a little alchemy, and viola! We'll have crispy, garlicky, delicious and good for you pickles by the crock. Yum.
I know. I'm a little nutty about this whole fermentation thing. It is fun, a great health practice and awesome creative project. If you are catching the fermentation bug and would like an opportunity to chop, salt, mix and pound veggies all day in the Northeast Kingdom, please check out the volunteer days at the Flack Family Farm. Here is the link to the application and schedule: http://www.flackfamilyfarm.com/images/lacto-sign-up.pdf . Doug Flack is inspiring! In his mid-seventies, he runs circles around the volunteers all day while his wife, Barbara, provides support and makes up an enormous and delicious farm lunch. Which reminds me-- if you do go to one of these fermenting days, bring a snack. Doug seems tireless and is extremely hard working, so us mortals among him tire and hunger before it is time for lunch. A well placed Mountain Woman bar or pocketful of fresh cucumbers alongside a bottle of water or kombucha would be a big help. I'm hoping that my daughter Sofya and I can go on Tuesday, August 19th. Please let me know if you have questions or need more information.
Thank you for your interest in local and healthy food, and I hope to see you at the market tomorrow.
Be well,
Beki Auclair
Vermont Fermentation (and PIG!) Adventures
Mar 1, 2025, 10 to 11:30 AM
Whirlygig Bistro Dinner and PoetryMar 1, 2025, 5 to 7 PM
Live Music w/ The Grift & Neon RamblersMar 1, 2025, 8 to 11:59 PM