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Call to Order (ESTIMATED Time)
Rules of Procedure (2 minutes)
Welcoming of Public Community Comment Period (10 minutes)
Richard Davis, Health Officer: Air Quality
Changes to Agenda Order (2 minutes)
Approval of Minutes (2 minutes; Action: Motion)
Minutes of the regular meeting of 05.22.23
Updates & Reports
Highway (5 minutes)
Dan Ingold, EMD (10 minutes)
Generator quotes
Cell phone contract renewal
Lisa Barry: Townwide Reappraisal (10 minutes)
Old Business
Potash Drive (15 minutes) (ACTION Motion)
Selectboard Goals Subcommittee (5 minutes) (DISCUSSION, possible ACTION)
Parking at Green River Bridge Inn (5 minutes) (DISCUSSION, possible ACTION)
Repair Ditching - 4 Segments RFP, approve preferred vendor (5 minutes) (ACTION: Motion)
Conflict of Interest clarification (5 minutes)
Town Attorney relationship clarification (5 minutes)
New Business
Liquor License for Hardy Foard (5 minutes) (ACTION: Motion)
Neighborhood Roots ARPA request (5 minutes) (ACTION: Motion)
Animal Control Contracts (5 minutes) (ACTION: Motion)
Finance (5 minutes; ACTION: Motion)
Payroll - WE 05.28.23
Payroll – WE 06.04.23
Payroll – WE 06.11.23
Expense Warrant #2323
Expense Warrant #2323V
Expense Warrant #2323M
Other Business
Communications (5 minutes)
Actions from Previous Meeting
Approved minutes
Named Tara and Veranda as SB Goals subcommittee
Named both Reformer and Commons as Newspaper of Record
Approved part-time Highway Crew
Named Michael and Rusty to subcommittee on Green River Inn parking
Bazin Paving approved for Weatherhead Hollow paving job
Tabled Ditching Repair Bid
Approved Warrants
Action Taken
Actions to be Taken
Feb 13, 2025, 3 to 4 PM
Spaghetti Dinner to Support Troop 428Feb 14, 2025, 5 to 8 PM
Rock River Players' Valentine's CabaretFeb 14, 2025, 7 to 9 PM