Birds & Rivers: Wednesday Morning Walks

Past event
Jun 28, 2023, 7 to 8:30 AM

Wednesday mornings in June, join a Vermont River Conservancy ecologist in the field to explore Vermont's rivers from a bird's eye view. No, not from a helicopter -- we're really talking about birds! Each week we'll explore a different site, identify special habitat features, and watch in real time as birds hunt, forage, breed, and nest.

When: 7-8:30 a.m. every Wednesday in June

-6/14 @ Wilson Wetland Preserve in Putney. Park by the kiosk on the south side of Sand Hill Rd., 0.4 miles west of Route 5.
-6/21 @ Herricks Cove in Bellows Falls. Park in the lot at the end of Herricks Cove Road.
-6/28 @ Townshend Reservoir in West Townshend. Park at the southern lot alongside the dam on Route 30.

What you'll need: Comfortable footwear and clothing for the day's weather. Binoculars are optional but recommended -- if you have a spare pair, consider bringing it to share! Don't forget your coffee if it's your secret to being an early-bird :)

Cost: free as a bird

Email with questions or to register in advance. Drop-ins are also welcome!

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