Weekly Tennis for Kids and Adults

Past event
Aug 10, 2023, 10 AM to 12 PM

Weekly tennis instruction for kids will begin again starting Tues, 6/22/2023, at Shore Acres.
Ages 6-9 will be from 10-11:00
Ages 9-12 Will be from 11-12:00

Weekly instruction for adults will begin Thursday, 6/27, from 10-12:00, at Shore Acres.

This instruction is directed toward novice and intermediate players looking to get back into the sport. I envision this as instruction, directed games/drills, and moving into actual matches.

Sign-ups are at the courts on opening days, but please email me with names, and ages of kids, and level of play for adults (Ages not required). Maximum 8 players per group.

Let's have some fun.


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Shore Acres Inn & Restaurant, Shore Acres Drive, North Hero, VT

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