Bristol Conservation Commission Agenda, June 8

Past event
Jun 8, 2023, 6 to 7:30 PM

Town of Bristol- Conservation Commission Meeting Agenda:
I Call to order: 6:00 pm on Zoom only
II Public Comment Period 
III Addition of Items to the Agenda 
IV Review and approval of minutes from May 11 meeting
V Correspondence
VI Old Business
A. Conservation Commission Membership
1) We are still looking to fill at least one seat with a Bristol resident
B. Updating wildlife maps
1)Senior Independent Study student final report
C. Parks Updates: Eagle, Memorial, Sycamore, Saunders River Access- updates?
1)Sycamore Park work day?
2)Sycamore Park brochures, upkeep
3)Role of BCC in managing/advising on park matters
D. Mowing: "No Mow May" debrief
E. Park Management Plans: progress on reports and discussion
VII New Business
A. Municipal Vulnerability Index (MVI) tool for Vermont
VIII Events
IX Next Meeting: summer hiatus; September 14 at 6:00pm, proposed location is the pavilion
near HUB
X Adjournment

Minutes of meetings and some digital agenda materials can be found at

Videos of meetings can be found at

Meeting ID: 845 7426 7401
Passcode: 566093

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