Remembering Our Families - Present & Past

Past event
Aug 9, 2014, 12 to 8 PM

Every August 9th Ceal Moran’s GENEALOGY DAY Get Together (a FREE community event) has traveled to various counties in the hopes of reaching a cross section of residents. This year, the 5th year, it’s being held in our hometown – Charlotte, Vermont. We’ve rented the spacious Charlotte Senior Center so folks can find a comfortable environment to reminisce and bring their stories to life. It’s really about making it your own special day too, so consider yourself invited.
Your help in spreading the word will make all the difference in helping to make this a new tradition for your family. It’s more than just the standard genealogy “how to” shop talk --- it’s about honoring loved ones from the past, or here in the present.

You can plan on seeing many new ways to increase communication across the generations and celebrate those that have gone before us. Remember it’s more important to reach out to a relative every August 9th, THAN TO PHYSICALLY SHOW-UP. So, mention it to your relatives, in turn, they’ll hopefully pass it on to their relatives. More information can be found in The Vermont Chamber of Commerce on-line “events” calendar, or just call 802-425-4929. Open House Format so drop in anytime from noon to 8 p.m. this Saturday.

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